Saturday, April 25, 2015


Pennsylvania scribe, William Kontuly, has been selected by the Domani Vision Film Society Screenwriting Competitions Jury as the winner of the 2015 Visionfest Short Script Competition with his screenplay, THROUGH THE TREES, which was chosen from a pool of about 70 short screenplays submitted to the competition, starting as far back as September 2014.

Kontuly, who will now have his winning script brought into development with DVision Films, the creative team behind the VF initiative, the 5x5 New York State of Mind Digital Project, was ecstatic on the phone earlier this morning, when VF15 co-director, Frank Lewallen, notified him of the win.

"I can't believe this, Frank,  I have never won anything like this!  cheered Kontuly, adding: "I once won $50 on a scratch-off and I thought that was amazing, but this... this is just sick!"  He then expressed some concerns about the fact that he has never directed a film before and, of course, Frank reassured him that we'll make sure we'll have all the necessary resources in place for the project to get done and be ready for a VF16 'world premiere' screening.

In addition to the development and production package, Kontuly will receive a "featured listing" from the festival's Screenwriting Competitions co-sponsor,

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